Stomatology Services

Детская стоматология
Our principle is to treat the teeth to children without fear and pain, without exerting any psychological pressure. We do not treat children forcibly...
Исправление прикуса пластинками
Every parent has to remember that the treatment of malocclusion at an early age allows to achieve maximum effect. And there are all the...
Исправление прикуса без брекетов
“Orisprofi” offers bite correction without braces using the various hardware methods, more aesthetic and less costly in financial terms. But it is...
Пластика уздечки губы
Operation of lip frenulum is a surgery to eliminate short strands traumatic mucosal provoke gum recession ("Naked roots") and dystopia (turn) teeth...
Удаление экзостозов
Exostosis is bony prominence ("nodules") on the jaw bones, which is a feature of the human individual or a consequence of the complex tooth...
Резекция корня зуба
Resection of the tooth root is a surgical method of removing pockets of inflammation and infection, together with a part of the tooth root to...
Удаление зубов
“Orisprofi” provides a full range of services for the removal of teeth: Painless tooth extraction (with anesthesia); Removal of wisdom...
Циркониевые коронки
Dental crowns based on zirconium dioxide are widely used and considered to be the most effective method of prosthetics. The color is close to...
Протезирование на имплантатах
When dentures on implants, artificial teeth are attached to titanium pins in the bone implanted. Thus, not only the defect dentition is closed, but...
The metal-ceramic prosthesis is a popular means of restoring the damaged tooth, and metal crowns are considered the most advanced. Today, metal-...
Бюгельные протезы на замках
Clasp denture is one of the most accurate, convenient and advanced techniques of the removable prosthesis, which is widely used in modern dentistry...
Протезы литьевого прессования
For one of the new technologies of manufacturing dentures method is molded pressing. It is the basis of this method - the use of plastics that are...
Нейлоновые протезы
Nylon prosthesis is a thin sheet of nylon-containing material with artificial teeth. Installation of nylon prosthesis requires no turning the...
Акриловые протезы
Acrylic dentures are acceptable and common type of removable dental structures to restore the integrity of the dentition. They are made almost...
Реставрация зубов
Modern technology and recovery methods used in "Orisprofi" will allow you to have confidence in your smile quickly and permanently! You may need...
Treatment of canals
Root canal treatment (endodontic treatment) is the main way to save the tooth at the stage of pulpit. Specialists in “Orisprofi” use advanced tools...
Veneers are original lining or, as some say, petals on the tooth. Dentists call them microprosthesis. The thickness of the veneers is...
Белоснежная улыбка за 30 минут
Whitening is a procedure of changing the color of teeth by professional quality preparation based on hydrogen peroxide. Modern whitening system...
Фторирование зубов
Fluoridation is necessary for the people with sensitive teeth - hyperesthesia, or with a predisposition to the development of caries. Fluorine...
Украшения для зубов
There are two types of jewelry for teeth: skyce and rhinestones. Skyces are often made of rock crystal. The diameter is on the average...
Sealing of fissures
In Orisprofi fissure sealing is conducted for adults and children. Fissures are bumps and peculiar cracks on the chewing surface of teeth. It is...
Removal of dental plaque
Almost all people have dental deposits, which form out of the water, mineral salts and micro-organisms of saliva. And even if you do thorough and...
Установка брекет-систем
Installation of bracket of systems is one of the most popular services. Great experience in treating various defects of the dentition, the use of...
Treatment of caries
We use only high-quality materials, modern equipment and latest methods of treatment. You can learn the prices on the treatment in "...


+375 29 5711114
+375 29 3285214
+375 17 3075214
+375 17 2715279


220094, Minsk, Rokossovsky Ave, 4/2